The guiding light

I stand on the promise of a grand future,
Yet I know the foundations still need work.
My house situated on bedrock is firm,
Yet my veranda has stretched into the sand.

The sea, ever menacing sends wave after wave,
Yet I firm up, strap up, I work into the night.
I must not fail, the wall must hold up against the onslaught,
Yet doubt still creeps up, for I am now building onto sand.

I toil and slog to get it all done and never do I let up,
Yet the deadline of high tide creeps closer and closer.
I wonder if the pool - placed on veranda will stand firm,
Yet it is too late now for the aged fellow has come to inspect.

All my time and effort has gone into this project,
Yet I feel the need all around, something is missing.
I know not what and I wrought throughout the night,
Yet I know I still need it, I need a guiding light.


  1. Strong poem. I like the way it ends with a rhyming couplet.

  2. Great poem. Love the lines

    'My house situated on bedrock is firm,
    Yet my veranda has stretched into the sand.'

    So beautiful.


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